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University Rules and Regulations

Sr. No.Particular of Rules & Regulations/policesApproved by Executive Council
1.Forwarding of applications of Employees for outside Jobs Etc.Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
2CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
3CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE BOARDS OF STUDIES Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
4CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE COURT Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
5CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
6CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE FACULTIES Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
7EMPLOYEES BENEVOLENT FUND Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
8FILM CLUB RULESApproved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
9Fixation of Seniority of Teachers Appointed in The University Teaching Department Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
10Foreign Service (Deputation) Rules Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
11LEAVE REGULATIONS Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
12Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Etc. By Teachers of University Teaching Department/Maintained Colleges Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
13 PROFESSOR EMERITUS Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
14Registration of University Teachers for Foreign Assignment Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
15Service & Conduct Rules for University Employees Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
16Ordinance: Staff Councils and Duties and Functions of Chairpersons/Directors of the Departments Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
17UNIFETE SOCIETY Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
18Visiting Professors, Associate Professors/Assistant Professors Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 39 in its 26th meeting held 04.11.2020
19Criteria for selection of Principal and Teaching Staff for SFS B.Ed./B.Ed. (Special Colleges affiliated to CBLU Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No.10 in its 19th meeting held on 06.03.2019
20Chapter – 42 (Student Aid Fund) Approved by the Executive Council in its 25th meeting held on 26.06.2020 Vide Resolution No. 08 & 19
21Chapter – 43 (Amalgamated Fund) Approved by the Executive Council in its 25th meeting held on 26.06.2020 Vide Resolution No. 08 & 19
22Chapter – 44 ( NCC Fund) Approved by the Executive Council in its 25th meeting held on 26.06.2020 Vide Resolution No. 08 & 19
23Rules and Regulations related to composition of various Selection Committee for Teaching and Non-teaching post for Affiliated SFS College and to finalize inspection performa’s for various courses in affiliated Colleges  Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No.07 in its 25th meeting held on 26.06.2020
24Policy for engagement of Consultants. Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 03 in its 8th meeting held on 03.09.2016
25Rules/Policy for absorption of employee on deputation  (Non-teaching) Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 03 in its 13th meeting held on 12.06.2017
26Policy of Count of Past Service of Non-teaching Employee Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 26 in its 21th meeting held on 15.07.2019
27University Auditorium Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 13 in its 21th meeting held on 15.07.2019
28Booking / Allocation of the University Guest House (Lodging & Hospitality) Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 12 in its 21th meeting held on 15.07.2019
29Hospitality / Entertainment Allowances to various functionaries of the University Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 28 in its 15th meeting held on 02.12.2017
30Terms & Conditions of payment of meals / Refreshment to outsourcing employees on tour Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 03 in its 17th meeting held on 26.07.2018
31Rule and Regulations of Youth Welfare CommitteeApproved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 03 in its 18th meeting held on 09.10.2018
32NSSC Rule
Composition, Objectives, Programmes, Activities, Duties and Powers etc. of the National Service Scheme Committee (NSSC)
Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 28 in its 24th meeting held on 09.12.2019
33.Rotation of HeadshipApproved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 4 in its 27th meeting held on 27.05.2021
34.Establishment CommitteeApproved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Grant departmental permission to the non-teaching employees for appearing in the various examinations

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Seniority of Principals / Associate Professors / Asstt. Professors working in the Govt. And Non-Govt. Affiliated colleges

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Re-employment of teachers after superannuation

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Uniform policy for Guest Teachers in the University and Colleges

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Library Committee

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Publication of books of merit produced by the members of teaching community of the university and affiliated / maintained colleges

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Publication of text books

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Magazine Fund

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Writing of Annual Confidential Reports of the Non-Teaching Employees

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

University Library System

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Performa (Library System).

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Faculty Club

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Rules for use of CBLU Faculty Club

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Supply of Liveries to employees

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Publication and Distribution of Research Journals

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021

Rules for use of University Holiday Home-Cum-Youth Centre

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 5 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09 2021


Executive Council vide Resolution
No. 6 in its 29th meeting held on 10.09.2021

Updated Purchase rules approved by EC

approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 03 in its 24th meeting held on 19.12.2019 
55Funding/ Assistance for field visits/ individual visit/ excursion tours etc.Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 7 in its 31st meeting held on 21st  April, 2022.
56Forwarding applications of Employees for outside jobs etc (Revised).Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 8 in its 31st meeting held on 21st  April, 2022.
57Maternity leave for the birth of children beyond the second child.Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 23 in its 31st meeting held on 21st  April, 2022.
58Chapter-28 “Writing off loses of Store articles, Cash, demurrage, etc. and for determining store articles as surplus, obsolete or unserviceable and their disposal”.Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 12 in its 32nd meeting held on 19th September, 2022.
59Ordinance: Rules Against Sexual Harassment.Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 34 in its 32nd meeting held on 19th September, 2022.

Notification dated 13.09.2022 with regard to grant of Maternity Leave to the students of UG/PG programme (UTDs & Affiliated Colleges).

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 40 in its  32nd meeting held on 19th September, 2022.

Conduct of meetings of the Finance Committee (Revised).

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 4 in its 33rd meeting held on 27.12.2022.

Youth Red Cross

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 12 in its 33rd meeting held on 27.12.2022.

Grant of permission to the Teachers for appearing in the Examinations.

Approved by the Executive Council vide Resolution No. 19 in its 33rd meeting held on 27.12.2022.
64Equal Opportunity Policy for Persons with Benchmark DisabilitiesApproved by the Executive Council vide resolution no. 6 in its 34th meeting held on 30.01.2023
65Rates pertaining to payment of DA, Refreshment Allowances to be paid to the Sportsperson of Private, Self-Management, and Govt. Aided Colleges in Local Tournament / Inter College etc Approved by the Executive Council vide resolution no. 4 in its 35th meeting held on 12.04.2023
approved by the Executive Council vide resolution no. 3 in its 36th meeting held on 28.08.2023.
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