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Human Resource Management System Cell

HRMS (Human resources management system) is a suite of software applications used to manage human resources and related processes throughout the employee lifecycle. A HRMS Software can be used in candidate recruiting, payroll management, leave approval, succession planning, attendance tracking, career progression, performance reviews, and the overall maintenance of employee information within an organization. Chaudhary Bansi Lal University is also maintaining its employee’s data through HRMS software. There are total 225 sanctioned posts (teaching and non-teaching). The details of which is as under:

  • Total Teaching Post Sanctioned—109
  • Filled—23
  • Vacant—86
  • Total Non-Teaching Post Sanctioned—123
  • Filled—71
  • Vacant—52

Almost every filled post’s data has been uploaded to HRMS Portal. There are 65 cadres for e-post among total 68 cadres, which are already updated on the portal. The University’s HRMS team conduct various meetings and sessions with Teaching and Non-Teaching staff time to time to update them about portal. Also HRMS Team members attended the meetings and sessions organized by O/o Director General Higher Education and Higher Education Council as per instructions from the same Departments. Following is HRMS full status (till date) of University:

Department Name

Total  Sanctioned  Post

Total Employee


Total Employees

(As per HRMS)

Finalized Employees

(As per HRMS)

Not Updated 

Service Verification

Not Updated leave balance (Half pay, earned)

Not Updated Promotion

Not Updated ACP

Not Updated ACR

Not Updated Family Details

Not Updated Punishment Pending

Not Updated Property Return

Score as per finalized Employee (includes service verification, leave balance, promotion, ACP, ACR, Family Punishment)

Score as per finalized Employee(includes service verification, leave balance, promotion,  ACP, ACR, Family Punishment)

Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani















The work of data updation is continuously going on and details above in the score column are increasing day by day.

As per directions received from the O/o Director General Higher Education and Higher Education Council, the highly dedicated and enthusiastic team is always ready to act upon the portal. The members are:

  • Nodal Officer—Mrs. Rekha, Assistant Registrar, Establishment Teaching Branch, CBLU, Bhiwani.
  • Technical Nodal Officer—Dr. Hemant Verma, Assistant Professor (OCOCS), Department of Information and Computer Technology, CBLU, Bhiwani.
  • Checker— Mr. Baljit Singh, Assistant Registrar, Registration and Scholarship Branch, CBLU, Bhiwani.
  • Maker—
    1. Mr. Paramjeet, Deputy Superintendent, Purchase and Store Department, CBLU, Bhiwani.
    2. Mr. Kuldeep Singh, Clerk, Accounts Branch, CBLU, Bhiwani.
    3. Mr. Amarjeet, Clerk, Accounts Branch, CBLU, Bhiwani.
  • Dealing Official—Mr. Raman, Steno-Typist, Academic Branch, CBLU, Bhiwani.

In spite of this, there are many hands always prepared to puzzle out the task as per direction from Director General Higher Education, Higher Education Council, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, CBLU and W/Registrar, CBLU, Bhiwani.

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